someone called me a lush.
2012-03-11 | 8:29 p.m.

saturday was a good night, a blur of pictionary and hot fuzz and alcohol and inappropriate comments from charlie and sleeping in my bed with kayley.


i have awakened some sort of dormant desire to actually speak french well. i don't know why. perhaps it had something to do with thursday's class. i talked to jillali (he's a native french speaker) and actually held my own, i actually spoke up in class for a significant amount of time, and judy and carla and ashley persisted that i should be the one to explain our group's answer. i hope this stays.


i've an hour left allotted to write on this story. hopefully i can make it to page five. we'll see how i do.


OH, and little caesar's (AKA the BEST pizza EVER) opens on wednesday! oh, be still my heart!

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