a date for meeeee
2011-10-13 | 10:14 p.m.

so! i went on a date tonight. and it went a lot better than expected.

first, the negatives:
*he smokes pot.
*he smokes cigarettes.

then, the positives:
*i had a nice time with him.
*he is a nice kisser.
*oh and he is very nice. all night i heard about how nice i looked and how smart i am and what have you.

well i'm not sure whether or not to be excited. i feel like last time i got very very excited because with brian, i really did like him, and i'm being quite honest with you here, i thought i was going into a relationship with him. then he was all like, oh JK. and i was like oh alright. whatev. what have you.

this boy is nice but i don't know what good that is sometimes. he was nervous which was sweet and i mostly had a good time when we were sitting in my car and talking for like an hour and a half.

but part of me i think just wants someone to be nice to me and to kiss me and tell me i'm pretty and that's why i liked that.

i don't know if it'll go anywhere but if it does i want it to go there very very slowly. no need to rush into anything.

i just have this thing where i think into the future and stuff and that's where my mind stays.

i still don't like that he smokes pot. cigarettes i could handle. pot i'm not so sure.

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