my head is exploding. for the entire week. i met a boy with the last name "Weeks" today. interesting.
2012-03-31 | 8:58 p.m.

erin's show was last night. she looked beautiful in her bird dress with her rabbit necklace and the show was beautiful, the frames perfect, everything wonderful. i'm so happy for her.

i was introduced to three baby freshmen as "Door 1" (kayley was "Door 2"). i teased them about how they were triplets (dressed very similarly) and tried to get them to sing to me. i wanted the blind date boy to show up so i could only bring up the fact that my profile picture with my watch on my head is nothing short of awesome.

the night ended with us all sitting on the front porch smoking cigars. i'd never had one before. i liked to see the smoke leave everyone's mouths, liked to watch it rise in the air and disappear.


kari, dacia, lanna, julieanna, and i went wedding dress shopping today. kari: a sample size, tall, blonde: every dress looked perfect on her and that is not an exaggeration. she's beautiful. i'm just so happy for people who are happy.


i feel like i'm disintegrating. i don't know if that makes sense. maybe my body is falling apart. i'm exhausted. my head has hurt constantly this week. i don't sleep well. i don't know. it'll fix itself i think. maybe if i sleep and sleep and sleep until my body wakes me up tomorrow, i'll feel better.


i'm coming to terms with the fact that i'm not a person others immediately like. you have to get to know me to understand me or be attracted to me ever.

i think that's okay. i think.

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