i wanna talk to you all night
01.12.13 | 8:11 pm

oh, i am tired. even though it has given me nightmare the past three times i've taken it, i'm going to drink more zzzquil tonight just to ensure that i actually sleep (hopefully, though nightmares would make that difficult).

it was so wonderful to be at my parents' home for five straight days. i hadn't been home in almost two months, so being surrounded by my family constantly for five days was wonderful and very welcome.

two more weeks--just two more weeks of this semester--and then i'm free! one year of grad school down, one more to go. one more year of being in kentucky and then i can go wherever i want to.

i have so many plans over the break. six weeks of doing what i want, going where i want, and not having to worry about working (i am spoiled). i also have to make my syllabus and start my oral exam study guides.

tonight i am tired but i feel good. some sleep will do me even better.

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