i wanna go on a date, i guess
17.09.18 | 8:52 pm

"our chapter wasn't perfect but it wasn't terrible. hind sight can be a very harsh light."


i more and more want my dating apps back. two more weeks. (actually, it's three because after the two weeks, i'll be on vacation in charleston.)

it's been nice to have a clearer head. to be more focused on myself. to not worry about scheduling dates with people who may suck.

and so it's been difficult to grapple with the fact that i'm not "strong" enough to just not use them. i still want the apps, i still want the attention, i still want to go on dates... even if i would much rather myself not need any of it at all.


if nothing else, i feel much more grounded with what i'm looking for and what i'm willing to put up with. that has to count for something.

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