little boxes
2010-09-12 | 12:04 p.m.

kari and i are thinking about going to Ireland next summer with our professor, Irishman. fuck yes. and they are actually writing classes. and we already know irishman. and it's right next to england. and i want to go there.

my hair is being curly and i feel sick today but i have so much homework to do today. i would rather read and listen to music. sad sad day.

it's like the only thing i care about this semester is creative writing and i don't even have the energy for it.

et tous ceux qui sont seuls...


you miss me.


i feel like an idiot, like whatever decision i make someone will hate me for it or think i am stupid. it figures.


i haven't worn my ring for a week. it's strange. i always reach for it, the way i move it and twist it always. and it's not there.


allez, venez, entrez dans la danse, allez, venez, c'est notre jour de chance

go, come, enter the dance, go, come, it's our lucky day


i just spent a ridiculous amount of time listening to the different openings for weeds. loved the decemeberists version best.


well i guess it all comes down to i don't know what to say to anyone about anything

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