07.03.23 | 8:09 pm

i feel a bit at odds with my body lately.

a bit directionless on where to go with certain workouts. (i love running, and really i just want to do 3-4 runs a week and do yoga every day like i already do... why can't i just be okay with that being enough?)

i've worked really hard over the years to get to a relatively healthy place (physically and mentally), especially in regards to body image and the like.

it is nice now, for example, to not assume that because of what i look like, people think i must be lying about how often i work out or how much i love running, etc. (thanks forever to my ex-boyfriend for telling me that "you don't really run, do you? you jog" [even though i truly find it funny now]).


i want to type more, but i'm actually feeling sad tonight, so maybe i'll try this another time.