expectations and how i've killed them
20.09.12 | 10:56 pm

i went to the bank and talked to the bank lady like i always do, right, because she knows my family just like everyone else in this county and so she asked, "did you find a job in louisville?" and i told her yes, but i've moved back home, and explained it all to her. and her face just dropped, she looked so sorry for me.

i haven't felt so bad about myself in a while.

i don't know.

there are so many expectations other people have for you, i mean i know it's impossible to live up to them all, but i'm the one who is supposed to have my shit together and i'm so far from that it feels like it's never gonna happen.


also, it makes me so sad that people don't love winter, like, it's so nice, you get to be swallowed in blankets and sweaters and drink hot chocolate with marshmallows and really, what's so great about summer anyway? the sun's still out in winter but it's better, you know, because you walk out in this frigid air but if you're in the sun your whole being is warmed.

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